Giga Graph Cities: Their Buckets, Buildings, Waves, and Fragments

James Abello, Haoyang Zhang, Daniel Nakhimovich, Chengguizi Han, Mridul Aanjaneya

Room: 104

2023-10-24T23:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Graph Cities allow visual exploration of billion-edge graphs. Challenges are the IO and the screen bottlenecks. Graphs get decomposed into edge layers called fixed points. This allows the disentangling of hairballs. Each fixed point is represented as a building, and all buildings are layout as a Graph City. The current implementation is scaled up to 1.8 billion edges. The rendering time is about 12 seconds. Please check out our paper Giga Graph Cities.
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