A Visualization System for Hexahedral Mesh Quality Study

Lei Si, Guoning Chen

Room: 104

2023-10-25T04:03:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Element quality visualization : element quality is visualized using glyphs, If glyphs overlap in the main view, they are aggregated. Each vertex glyph is displayed in the region view. Boundary error visualization : the distance between two boundaries is embedded into the UV domain. Users can access individual vertex quality details through an interactive bar chart.
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hex-mesh analysis, mesh quality visualization


In this paper, we introduce a new 3D hex mesh visual analysis system that emphasizes poor-quality areas with an aggregated glyph, highlights overlapping elements, and provides detailed boundary error inspection in three forms. By supporting multi-level analysis through multiple views, our system effectively evaluates various mesh models and compares the performance of mesh generation and optimization algorithms for hexahedral meshes.