reVISit: Supporting Scalable Evaluation of Interactive Visualizations

Yiren Ding, Jack Wilburn, Hilson Shrestha, Akim Ndlovu, Kiran Gadhave, Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex, Lane Harrison

Room: 104

2023-10-24T22:45:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
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reVISit is an open-source toolkit designed to simplify the process of conducting empirical visualization studies, which are often resource-intensive and technically challenging. It offers a domain-specific language for study setup and includes various software components like UI elements, behavior tracking, and experiment management tools. These components, along with interactive or static stimuli provided by researchers, are combined to create a deployable web-based experiment. reVISit streamlines the setup and monitoring of studies, making it easier to conduct both simple graphical perception tasks and more complex interactive studies, addressing the growing demands of modern visualization research.
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Human-centered computing Software prototype Visualization systems and tools Empirical Study


reVISit is an open-source software toolkit and framework for creating, deploying, and monitoring empirical visualization studies. Running a quality empirical study in visualization can be demanding and resource-intensive, requiring substantial time, cost, and technical expertise from the research team. These challenges are amplified as research norms trend towards more complex and rigorous study methodologies, alongside a growing need to evaluate more complex interactive visualizations. reVISit aims to ameliorate these challenges by introducing a domain-specific language for study set-up, and a series of software components, such as UI elements, behavior provenance, and an experiment monitoring and management interface. Together with interactive or static stimuli provided by the experimenter, these are compiled to a ready-to-deploy web-based experiment. We demonstrate reVISit's functionality by re-implementing two studies – a graphical perception task and a more complex, interactive study. reVISit is an open-source community project, available at