ProtoGraph: A Non-Expert Toolkit for Creating Animated Graphs

Machiel Daniel Rodrigues, Joel Dapello, Priyan Vaithilingam, Johanna Beyer, Carolina Nobre

Room: 104

2023-10-26T03:09:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
ProtoGraph web tool interface. The left column shows the code editor where the user can write ProtoGraph language statements, the right column displays the graph which dynamically renders as the user types in the editor. The bottom right panel shows the animation timeline previewing each step of the animation. The user can share the current graph using an auto-generated URL or export the visualization as an image or video.
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Human-centered computing—Visualization—Visualization techniques—Graph drawings; Human-centered computing—Visualization—Visualization systems and tools—Visualization toolkits


Creating intuitive and aesthetically pleasing visualizations and animations of small-to-moderate-sized graphs in the form of node-link diagrams is a common task across many fields, particularly in pedagogical settings. However, creating a graph visualization either requires users to manually construct a graph by hand or programming skills. We present ProtoGraph, an English-like programming language for non-expert users to rapidly specify and animate node-link graph visualizations. The language supports iterative prototyping, thereby allowing non-experts users to intuitively refine their graphs, and to easily create animated graphs. The key features of ProtoGraph include a web-based live coding interface, previews for the different states in an animated graph, integrated user documentation, and an active-learning style tutorial. We have integrated the ProtoGraph language into an open-source JavaScript graph visualization library for rendering and a graphical web interface for rapid prototyping. In a user study, we show that participants with varying coding experiences were able to quickly learn the ProtoGraph language and create real-world pedagogical visualizations, showing that ProtoGraph is easy to learn, efficient to use, and extensible.