Visual Explanation for Open-domain Question Answering with BERT

Zekai Shao, Shuran Sun, Yuheng Zhao, Siyuan Wang, Zhongyu Wei, Tao Gui, Cagatay Turkay, Siming Chen

Room: 106

2023-10-25T00:09:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Understanding the decision process of a neural model for OpenQA. The User Panel (A) displays the statistical information about the model and the dataset, as well as the color legends. The Summary View (B) provides a global summary of performance and module behavior for subsets. The Context View (C) presents questions from the selected subset and retrieved passage for a selected question. The Instance View (D) summarizes the keywords of each candidate passage in different modules with ranking visualization incorporating text to analyze the selected instance. The Tree View (E) explains the local data flow within a single module or multiple modules in the model with comparable Sankey-tree layout.
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Open-domain Question Answering;Explainable Machine Learning;Visual Analytics


Open-domain question answering (OpenQA) is an essential but challenging task in natural language processing that aims to answer questions in natural language formats on the basis of large-scale unstructured passages. Recent research has taken the performance of benchmark datasets to new heights, especially when these datasets are combined with techniques for machine reading comprehension based on Transformer models. However, as identified through our ongoing collaboration with domain experts and our review of literature, three key challenges limit their further improvement: (i) complex data with multiple long texts, (ii) complex model architecture with multiple modules, and (iii) semantically complex decision process. In this paper, we present VEQA, a visual analytics system that helps experts understand the decision reasons of OpenQA and provides insights into model improvement. The system summarizes the data flow within and between modules in the OpenQA model as the decision process takes place at the summary, instance and candidate levels. Specifically, it guides users through a summary visualization of dataset and module response to explore individual instances with a ranking visualization that incorporates context. Furthermore, VEQA supports fine-grained exploration of the decision flow within a single module through a comparative tree visualization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of VEQA in promoting interpretability and providing insights into model enhancement through a case study and expert evaluation.