Virtual Reality for Enhancing Engagement with Net Zero Transitions
Amal Alshardy, Sarah Goodwin, Andres Santos-Torres, Ariel Liebman
Room: 103
2023-10-21T22:00:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Immersive experiences can increase engagement and improve data understanding. We explore the use of virtual reality to visualise the complexities of electric networks and facilitate a greater understand- ing of net zero initiatives. We propose that an abstract metaphorical immersive experience can provide an intuitive overview of the complex components of energy networks and how they behave over time in response to fluctuating supply and demand in order to achieve stability and sustainability. This work aims to enable a variety of stakeholders to better understand and associate the complexities in the systems and be aware of the connections over time and space. Using the Monash University electric network system as a case study, we explore the network dynamics and fluctuations over time. The virtual reality experience allows users to view campus electricity assets and local and remote energy sources, as well as witness the dynamics of the network. Thus, the complexities of the energy system and its impact on sustainability can be more readily understood.